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Showing posts from June, 2019

Using the 5 Secrets

We have an innate drive to communicate with others, yet we struggle to do so each and every day. Think about that. Why is it so hard to talk to those around us? If it is an innate desire, why doesn't it just come naturally? Communication can come in four ways: Verbal  Non-verbal Written Visual Learning how to effectively communicate in any form, is highly important. A study researching the most common way people communicate to others found that 14% of communication is through words, 35% is through tone, and 51% is non-verbal, and of course, written and visual communication are also evident in daily life, but were not apart of the study.  So what does this mean, is this good or bad? Honestly, I can not answer that question for you. All I know is that, personally, I think verbal communication should have a higher percentage. It is sad that verbal communication is only 14%.  Being able to communicate, in the right way, is important in your education, your career, your rela

Family Stress

How do you feel RIGHT NOW? Are you stressed? I know I find myself feeling stressed  every single da y, but did you know that with out stress, you, and your existence in this world, is in danger? I certainly didn't know that until about two days ago--it makes me feel justified in my stresses. ;) However, excessive amounts of stress and anxiety is not good. Stress can cause acne, headaches, stomach pain, lack of energy, depression, digestive issues, and even cause a rift in your relationships. This week I have thought a lot about family stress in particular. How is family stress different from someone's individual stress? Well, first, family stress effects multiple people. It also might change how family members act in every day activities and decisions. Stress that you feel within a family also means that you aren't along in your feelings and you have many people around you who can empathize--together you can work through your difficult times. Individual stress can be mor

Marital Intimacy

Last week, I told those who are not married to start preparing for marriage. Prepare mentally, by knowing the conversations you should have before marriage and recognize the challenges you might experience with your future spouse. One of the challenges I mentioned was sexual intimacy. Now before you click the red X on your computer, hear me out. I understand that talking about sex can be scary, and for most people, it makes them quite uncomfortable, however, it is highly important . If it wasn't important, it wouldn't be as talked about. Today, I want to make it clear that I will not be talking about sex in a vulgar way. Marital intimacy is private and highly cherished. It is scientifically proven, that men have an innate sexual drive much stronger than women do. It has been this way ever since the creation of man. Because of this, many men are portrayed as "pigs". In a healthy, open, marital relationship, this "pig comparison" could not be further from

More than "Just a piece of paper"

Nothing worth having comes easy. Throughout my life I have had the opportunity to witness a lot of marriages. I have seen the good and the bad. The fun and the scary. I have never been married myself, but the experiences I have gained throughout my life give me a sense of what I want a marriage to look like. I get that it is scary and unknown, but as I was thinking about what I could do to prepare now for marriage, I thought about my expectations. What did I think a happy marriage looked like? What did I see myself doing? How did I act? Would it be hard to acclimate to this new way of life? Would I be the perfect wife and have the perfect husband? Today, I'll tell you exactly what I think marriage should be like. First, let's start off by looking at the dictionary meaning of the word marriage. The Merriam Webster Dictionary defines it as: "Being in the state of matrimony of or relating to marriage; united, joined. While I agree with this definition, I also think marriage