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Showing posts from May, 2019

Bring Dating Back

Dating seems to be a foreign concept these days. It's almost non-existent. It used to be that people would go on dates several times a week with several different people-- and that wasn't a bad thing either. In fact, it was encouraged. Guys didn't have to pay a lot of money to have fun and "hanging out" wasn't really something people would do. Does this sound familiar to you? Is this the most common form of dating you see today? From what I have heard, and experienced, it is nothing like this. I'll admit, there are a few people who experience dating this way, but unfortunately, the vast majority of people are caught in the ropes of today's tangled view of dating. What is dating like today? Dates aren't as common anymore. Guys don't want to spend the money and girls expect a guy to magically appear on their doorstep. When we have the opportunity to go on dates, a lot of our time is spent doing things that don't matter. What I mean by th

Same-Gender Attraction

This week my mind has been busy and my heart heavy, as I have thought about same gender attraction. It is a sensitive subject for many, and among one of the most debated topics in the world. Many argue about how someone is attracted to a member of the same sex. Is it by choice or are they just born that way? The truth is, we don't know. Many have studied and tested these possibilities and have not found a definite answer. There is speculation of course, but nothing can confidently be set as truth. In today's world, there seem to be more people who identify themselves as "gay" or "lesbian" or others who identify as something other than male or female. Many studies, including that of Dean Hamer, a geneticist in America, explain that while genetic factors might contribute to one's sexual orientation, the environment plays a major role as well. During his study, he mentioned "a stretch of DNA located at the tip of the X chromosome that some men inheri

Family Culture: Finding it and Keeping it Alive

Culture comes in many different shapes and sizes. It is the behavior, beliefs, and characteristics of any group of people; such as the country or community you live in or even the family you are born into. It provides people with a sense of personal identity and links them to the ones who share those similar beliefs. In life, there are many different paths we may find ourselves walking down. Some of these paths can cause a family to lose focus on what is important or might lead a family on another path to their new home. Sometimes these paths can change our lives so dramatically that we struggle to find and remember our culture. Because culture is an essential part of life, I have found what I think are the best ways to create/preserve a family's culture. 1. Find out what you like to do as a family... what is your family identity? 2. Maintain old traditions and create new ones that are fun and meaningful for everyone involved. 3. Eat dinner as a family--develop your relationsh

The family mechanism

Look around you. What do you see? Do you see a thermostat? A television? A refrigerator or maybe even an oven? You might ask, what do all of these things have in common? Each one of these things is a mechanism. They all work together, with their own individual parts, to create and do amazing things. The family is like each of these mechanisms. A family works together to create remarkable, life changing, things. Like the parts in a mechanism, individual family members have specific roles they take on-- each with its own unique responsibilities and each as equally important. Fathers set an example to their daughters, provide for their family, tell endless Dad Jokes, and keep everyone safe. Mothers care for their children, they cook, they clean, they read silly books, listen to the same song over and over and OVER again. Children create a sense of innocence in the home, they bring laughter, learning experiences for everyone, and they help each member of the family develop deeper co

Should we be worried about the family?

Where would you be without your family--without that constant support system? Without your trial-enduring side-kicks, the endless inside jokes, and the forever love? Can you even imagine such a life? Research shows, that across the globe, the average number of children per woman is decreasing. A recent study conducted in 2017, found that the fertility rate for The United States was only 1.8 children per woman. That is a major decrease from an average rate of 3.7 in 1960. What is causing this sudden decrease in childbirth? When asked about having children, many people mentioned the financial strains involved in child-bearing, the lack of desire to have a large family, and some even admitted that having children or a family was simply not necessary. While the choice to have children is ultimately between the father and the mother, many aspects of childbearing affect everyone around the world.  These factors including: Population/depopulation The lack of a future workforce A c