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Same-Gender Attraction

This week my mind has been busy and my heart heavy, as I have thought about same gender attraction. It is a sensitive subject for many, and among one of the most debated topics in the world. Many argue about how someone is attracted to a member of the same sex. Is it by choice or are they just born that way? The truth is, we don't know. Many have studied and tested these possibilities and have not found a definite answer. There is speculation of course, but nothing can confidently be set as truth.
In today's world, there seem to be more people who identify themselves as "gay" or "lesbian" or others who identify as something other than male or female. Many studies, including that of Dean Hamer, a geneticist in America, explain that while genetic factors might contribute to one's sexual orientation, the environment plays a major role as well. During his study, he mentioned "a stretch of DNA located at the tip of the X chromosome that some men inherit[ed] from their mothers" that could possibly be a link to homosexual orientation. Towards the end of the study, however, after facing much criticism, what he said I found particularly interesting. "Homosexuality is not purely genetic . . . environment plays a role. There is not a single master gene that makes people gay . . . I don't think we will ever be able to predict who will be gay." What are these environmental factors that he is talking about? While I am certain there are many factors that play a role in homosexuality, I only want to touch upon three from the study above.
Parent-child relationships are crucial in the development and happiness of both the parent and the child involved. Some research shows that homosexuality can even come from the feeling of disconnect or rejection from a father-figure or feeling overwhelmed because of an over-involved mother. While that was a very well-tested study, keep in mind that not everyone who was involved in the research, had a bad relationship with their mom or dad, only a portion. Another environmental factor seems to correlate with homosexuality.
Molestation is a common environmental similarity between many who identify as "gay" or "lesbian". In a study involving those who were molested, scientists discovered that "sixty-eight percent of the homosexual men, and thirty-seven percent of the lesbians did not self-identity as gay or lesbian until after the molestation." This astonishing fact made me stop when I first read it. I stopped, not because of the amount of people who identified as gay or lesbian, but because of the large amount of people (children) who were sexually abused and molested. It breaks my heart to think about the guilt and pain they felt.
The last environmental factor is the role peers can have on the development of homosexual attraction. Interestingly enough, research has shown that the connection, or lack thereof, one person has with his/her same-sex friends can lead to those feelings. When someone does not feel a close relationship with their same-sex peers, they tend to be around the opposite-sex more. Just as it is with all humans, people tend to "sexualize that which they are not familiar". If someone is not familiar with those of the same-sex, he/she can become curious and develop homosexual feelings.
(I want to make it clear, that the research above, does not reflect everyone. Each person is unique and has their own story.)
If you have read my past posts and explored around my blog, I think it is safe to say you know my main focus is family. So why do you think I would write about same-gender attraction? It is because it affects the family. It affects the entire world and everyone in it. As I have previously discussed, children and parents grow and function better in a mother-father environment. It has always been that way, and I strongly believe it will continue to be that way. While my heart goes to those who struggle with same-sex attraction (wanted or unwanted), I know, contrary to popular opinion, that a child deserves a mother and a father in his or her life.
I do not think we will ever discover the beginnings of same-sex attraction. It could be genetic or it could be environmental, but either way, men and women have certain roles in the family that are crucial and necessary. These roles can only be filled by one man and one woman.

Thanks for sticking around--stay happy,


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