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Bring Dating Back

Dating seems to be a foreign concept these days. It's almost non-existent. It used to be that people would go on dates several times a week with several different people-- and that wasn't a bad thing either. In fact, it was encouraged. Guys didn't have to pay a lot of money to have fun and "hanging out" wasn't really something people would do.
Does this sound familiar to you? Is this the most common form of dating you see today? From what I have heard, and experienced, it is nothing like this.
I'll admit, there are a few people who experience dating this way, but unfortunately, the vast majority of people are caught in the ropes of today's tangled view of dating.

What is dating like today?
Dates aren't as common anymore. Guys don't want to spend the money and girls expect a guy to magically appear on their doorstep. When we have the opportunity to go on dates, a lot of our time is spent doing things that don't matter. What I mean by this is: we sit around watching movies or television shows, we try to figure out what we should do, or we just sit on our phones and scroll through social media. Dating is supposed to be a time where you meet new people, where you have fun and make memories. It isn't like that anymore.
I personally think it is because everyone is too scared. We are too scared of getting hurt, of leading someone on, putting ourselves out there, and scared of rejection. People today, especially women, have the preconceived notion that going on any date means it will lead to something greater. That puts way too much stress on the date and most often doesn't result in a second date.
Dating is supposed to be FUN. One date with one person does not mean you will end up marrying them. We need to stop dating like this. It is way too confusing.

So, how should a date really be?
A date is planned, paid for, and paired off. It can be easily remembered as the 3 "P's".
Dating should be planned. It doesn't have to be expensive or extensive, but it should be planned. It is important to plan ahead to show dedication, respect, and responsibility. A man who has a plan is very attractive to a girl. (ask any girl you know and she will say the same thing:)
A date is paid for. It doesn't have to be expensive; the right person shouldn't care if the date is inexpensive. The point is to enjoy their company and to get to know them. A date can be something as simple as walking around the park, visiting a local lake or national park, or going on a hike. You may even pack a lunch or snacks to bring along. All of these ideas are inexpensive and are sure to make lasting memories.
Lastly, a date is paired off. Being with a large group of people is not a date. Group dates are fine because you are still paired off into couples, however, just simply being with a lot of people does not count as a date, even if you talk to that specific person for most of the night.

What happens when you go on multiple dates with someone and you both like each other?
It really isn't as hard as people are making it. When you like someone and you want to exclusively date, you talk about it. Today, people call it the DTR, or, Determine The Relationship. While many people joke about this part of a relationship, it is very important and crucial for the understanding and clarification for both people involved. Once a relationship is exclusive, it is called courtship.
Courtship is a time of building the relationship-- a time where it is on trial. As we all know, if things continue to go well, engagement and marriage are sure to follow.

The truth is, dating is hard. Taking the time and dating the correct way would really pay off. One of my professors once said, "Bringing dating back would be a tremendous thing." I think that if we start dating how dating used to be, we would all have a little bit more fun.
What do you think? Do you think we should bring dating back?


And please comment below! I would love to hear what you think:)


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