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Showing posts from July, 2019

Divorce and Remarried Families

Everybody knows that divorce is horrible and life changing, but it is hard to really understand divorce without experiencing it; it isn't something someone should want to experience either. Divorce affects everyone-- the wife, husband, kids, parents, siblings, employers, friends. After such a life altering event, how do you recover? First, lets go over the top 3 reasons people file for divorce, they are: 1. Infidelity 2. Money 3. Lack of communication I think that a part of divorce, is that in your heart, you want to make it work, but something inside of you feels you can not. Trust is lost, commitment decreases, and relying on each other is no longer a desire. On this blog, I have already discussed infidelity, money, and how to effectively communicate, so I hope you AT LEAST know how to avoid error in these three things. COMMUNICATION IS KEY. I cannot stress enough how big a role communication has in dealing with marital issues and arguments. Once the divorce is final

Life's Greatest Calling

One of the hardest, and most important things we will ever do on Earth is create and raise children. I hope I have made it clear the past 12 weeks, that children are essential and that we should not delay having children. The children today, are our futures tomorrow. On this blog I have covered how to date, courtship, communication in dating/marriage, preparing for marriage, the importance of marriage, and sexual intimacy; so the only logical thing to cover next is raising children. I can not tell you HOW to raise children, but I can tell you what it is children need to thrive. There are five needs I am going to touch upon. While there are many, many, MANY more needs, I feel these are the ones many parents don't always recognize. The first need is: Need for contact and belonging When a child is not receiving enough contact or he feels as though he doesn't belong, what does he do? He seeks undue attention. Those who are seeking undue attention, usually come off as "an

Recognizing the Importance of Fathers

In a world with increasingly more feminist movements, men are becoming more and more insignificant in the eyes of the media. Sadly, it isn't uncommon for men to be ignored, looked down upon, or easily forgotten. People tend to forget, however, that you and I are here because of MEN and women. This simple concept has been a fact of this world since its creation. Today I want to stress the importance of men, and in particular, fathers. Startling statistics about homes with absent fathers really helps to describe the tremendous impact fathers have on children. For example, 63% of youth suicides are from fatherless homes-- 5 times the average. And a startling 80% of youths in prison come from fatherless homes-- 20 times the average. These are only a couple of the several that were detected through research. (The link to these facts, and much more, is at the bottom of the page) It is clearly evident that fathers have a huge impact on family life. While these statistics focus more on